[ARDF] [Iaru_region_ii_rules_and_smartphones] GPS/Receiver

Vadim Afonkin vadim.afonkin at gmail.com
Sun May 13 01:04:07 GMT 2018

Hi Gerald,

I have nothing against phone based SDR, my point was not to ban GPS from
receivers, but add new category for those who wants to run with mobile
based SDR receivers.

I even built one for myself from RTL based TV dongle ($12 from Internet)
and free SDR software for Android  - it works.

I see potential for this and I agree with you.

What I disagree with - Charles wants to ban GPS from radio receivers(not



On Sat, May 12, 2018, 20:30 Gerald Boyd <wb8wfk at icloud.com> wrote:

> Vadim
> I think you are missing the main point here. Every teenager in the US has
> a smartphone. That smartphone can be turned into an ARDF receiver with the
> correct helper hardware. It’s even possible to do software defined radio
> using a front end that provides an I/Q signal. I think I know someone who
> made some software that can do that.
> The purpose is not using the smartphone as some AI equipped automatic
> navigation device turns the user into a voice navigated zombie that just
> walks to the fox. After all in the real world that won’t help.
> However the smartphone is a platform that every young person in the US
> already has in their possession. Just think if there was a low cost mass
> produced circuit board that would turn that phone into an ARDF receiver
> development platform with a graphic display. Maybe that could attract the
> digital savvy youth into the sport.
> They are our future. Time Is marching on. Do we grow are just fade into
> the past?
> I have seen this first hand at the hamfest tech presentations.
> Traditional t-hunting  does not attract youth. I think part of the problem
> is the lack of access to low cost equipment problem. Just look at the cost
> of your receiver how many youth has a budget that can buy one?
> Another case in point. The software defined radio forums always have full
> packed rooms. Adriano talks have full packed rooms. Why? Because they have
> low cost hardware platforms.
> Botton line we need a very low cost easy to reproduce device ( for both
> receivers and transmitters) that enables youth to tray ARDF and radio
> direction finding in what ever format the hosted event may be. A cell phone
> or Pad is a wonderful platform to enable the realization of a low cost
> device that does not need an RF lab to align it. Just need some simple
> helper hardware to turn it into an experimental radio platform.
> Do we continue doing the same with no growth?  Or do we change our path
> and come up with a low cost platform and attract new folks (that allows
> experimenting) and maybe will start to see new host venues for national
> championships?
> For example I think CW on two meters is the way to go
> 1.it’s simple
> 2. Transmitters are easy to build and low cost. My practice transmitter
> uses a clock management chip and runs on a 9 volt battery for all day.
> Field testing this year showed that that mode works using the receiver
> development platform. We already use CW on 80. Let’s come up with something
> that can make  region 2 grow.
> Jerry
> Sent from my iPad
> > On May 11, 2018, at 11:39 AM, Vadim Afonkin via
> IARU_Region_II_Rules_and_Smartphones <
> iaru_region_ii_rules_and_smartphones at openardf.org> wrote:
> >
> > 1. Allowing smartphone/tablets directly violate ARDF rules as they are
> strictly prohibit "GPS with mapping capabilities"
> > 2. Having GPS and Compass inside receiver will help somewhat, but will
> not move you faster or make you think faster or make navigation decisions
> for you. Moving by straight line without looking at the map is not an
> option, if you have an obstacle on the way - for example lake - by
> following guided line you will hit lake shore and will not find TX. So
> orienteering skills are required anyway.
> >
> > Yes, again - it will hep you at some degree, but will not make you
> Champion if you cannot run ARDF without it. It also will not make you
> Champion if you are not well trained. Or dont have good orienteering skills.
> >
> > Solution would be to have separate categories for those who runs with
> tablets/smarphones, without suppressing engineering minds in what called
> >
> > ARDF is Radio Sport afterall.
> >
> > 73!
> >
> > Vadim
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> > IARU_Region_II_Rules_and_Smartphones at openardf.org
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