[ARDF] Region 2 Rules Request - Q and A

Steve Stutman steve at radiorobots.com
Tue Sep 26 19:50:30 PDT 2017

I think Mike is spot on.

There are many aspects of ARDF, just as there are many facets of HAM radio.

Several years back I  had great fun jogging through the Blue Hills in
Boston with my compass, map clipboard, RX and tape measure ant.

It was my first event and although I found a couple foxes, I, to my
chagrin, did not win, hihi.

One of the guys who coached me did win because he is very skilled and runs

Too much automata takes the sport out of Radiosport, I think.

Sort of like self-driving Formula One cars.

Some people might want to watch it, but t'isn't the same.

If one wishes to sutomate, why not have course prep drones (UAVs) drop TXs
and then have competitor drones auto -locate them?

Easily controlled and viewed on phone with FPV.

Certainly a competition, but no humans in the actual run.

There are probably some guys in HF CW contests using Skimmers to drive an
automated station.

Perhaps fun to build, but not Radiosport, IMNSHO.

Maybe there is a "traditional" class and an "assisted" class.

Perhaps this has already been discussed.

My thanks to all who keep ARDF going here.

My middle-schooler just started running Cross Country.

I think she would like to run an event one of these days.





On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 7:51 PM, Mike (KA5CVH) Urich <mike at ka5cvh.com>

> On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 8:00 AM, Robert Frey <rallenfrey at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I thought is was
> > about using our ardf and orienteering skills. guess I was wrong.
> Mike wrote
> While I have not been able to participate to any extent ... I love all
> forms of direction finding activities whether traditional fox hunts
> whether in vehicles or on foot and while I haven't done much
> orienteering since the lymphoma but I still dream about getting back
> active at some point ... so just take my comments with a grain of
> salt.
> As an ARES / PIO person who just went through Harvey and gave numerous
> interviews with radio stations and the league I emphasized our need
> for training to the "Lowest Common Denominator" mode communications
> for EmComm.
> My thoughts about ARDF fall along the same lines.  I do not have a
> problem with an app on a phone that will take you back to the start,
> finish or your vehicle in the event you need it but IMHO these events
> should be about using our most basic skills to their fullest ... not
> depending upon any wizardry.  Amateur radio is rapidly becoming a
> "utility operator" hobby with no basic electronic or RF skills ...
> just gadgets.
> The only tools we need are a radio receiver, a map, a compass ... and
> our BRAIN to process the data.
> --
> Mike Urich KA5CVH
> http://ka5cvh.com
> STX ASEC - Training
> STX: (A)PIC Dist 1 & 14
> PIO Harris County ARES
> We may be Volunteers,
> But we're professional.
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