[ARDF] Designing Championship Courses...

Dale Hunt, WB6BYU wb6byu at arrl.net
Wed Sep 7 20:10:13 PDT 2005

Dick Arnett wrote:
> Matt,
> How about in region III last year where M60 got to decide on the course
> which three of the five they wanted to find?

     I've actually been on a number of courses like this, where
     I had to find any 4.  Often it is clear which one seems
     furthest away, but sometimes I just look for them in what
     seems to be the appropriate order until I have enough.

     But I've never done this in a World Championship event.

> >>> Matthew Robbins <cedarcreek at gmail.com> Wednesday, September 07,
> 2005 3:40 PM >>>
> I've tried to design a nine-category course, and immediately ran into
> difficulty, mostly because I'm used to some software for regular
> orienteering course setting. 

     You might want to check the software that the Germans use
     for reporting results.  It lists all combinations (at least,
     those sequences that anyone actually did) and reports the
     straight line distance, along with the split times of all
     who found that combination and sequence.  I'm sure they
     have something similar for course setting.
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