[ARDF] Update on 2006 USA ARDF Championships

Dale Hunt, WB6BYU wb6byu at arrl.net
Sun Nov 13 19:27:18 PST 2005

"Charles E. Scharlau" wrote:

  Charles et. al. -

     If our objective is to promote ARDF in the US, then it might
  be preferable to award medals to the top 3 US finishers and
  certificates (or mousepads, etc.) to visitors in the top three

     But the real question is the focus of the event, and the
  decision about medals should be made in that context.

      - Dale WB6BYU

> Dear 2006 Competitors:
> We are looking for quick feedback from the likely participants at the 2006
> ARDF Championships on the subject of medals for participants.
> In order to reduce overall cost to competitors, increase the symbolic
> meaning of the awards bestowed, and simplify the award ceremony, we would
> like to propose the following policy regarding awards at the 2006 USA ARDF
> Championships.
> * Medals will be awarded to the top three overall finishers in each age
> gender category.
> * The top three USA finishers will be duly noted during the award ceremony,
> and will be designated as such in the final results.
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