[ARDF] 2004 US ARDF Championship

Sam Smith sam.smith at ece.gatech.edu
Tue Aug 19 13:15:39 CDT 2003

Bob Frey wrote:
     I am EXTREMELY disappointed in Dale's comments of making
     the selections based on this years event since as an
     organizer I could not participate. Also what about all
     those who would continue to train and perform better in
     upcoming events. Based on Dale's suggestion why bother.
     I might as well forget it.

Do we have a documented selection process? The more people we get the 
more we need to have one. Nothing gets people more upset than a mystery 
process... I wasn't aware that we had so much competition for slots. 
Next year I'm eligible for M50 :-) But it's a real long shot that I 
would leave the US.


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