[ARDF] Orienteering vs ARDF

Sam Smith sam.smith at ece.gatech.edu
Mon Aug 18 14:41:23 CDT 2003

Marvin Johnston wrote:
> I have always compared an ARDF course to an orienteering Orange course.
> It would seem that the Green, Brown, etc. courses are more technical in
> nature without the catching features, etc. that are used on the Orange
> course. And *I* consider the signal strength and direction to the
> transmitter as an *excellent* catching feature :). 

White - novice - first timers - < 3k
Yellow - beginner - linear features - < 3k
Orange - intermediate - some contour features, less linear, ~5k
Brown/Green/Red/Blue - expert - anything goes - they only differ in 
length. From 4k for Brown up to 13k for Blue.

The reason there are so many upper level courses is to accomodate all 
the age groups with an appropriate length course.

I wouldn't compare the radio-o to an orange, that's an orienteering 
intermediate course. More likely green/red/blue depending on whether you 
get 3/4/5 controls. Brown is reserved for senior citizens (M60) and 
young girls (F18).


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