[FQP] Don't forget our friend - 15m!

Christopher Blake cqdenx4n at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 07:10:59 PDT 2018

Hello FQP Fanatics,
Just a reminder that, while sunspot cycle realities will drive more 20m and
40m activity, don't forget our faithful friend 15m.  This band will likely
be open at some point during FQP and offers an opportunity for
significantly more QSO's and Mults.  Openings worldwide may be ours if we
keep our eyes and ears open!

*Be sure to check 15m at the Hour from 1800z to 2200z; don't be shy, call
CQ. *
If we're lucky we may even find some E-skip at night as well.

vy 73/OJ/AHZ,
Chris, NX4N

P.S. - 10m is likely our hibernating bear - poke at your own risk :-)

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