[FQP] County activation planning

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Thu Apr 5 11:17:01 PDT 2012

There has been some discussion regarding selecting a suitable county (or 
counties) to operate from during the FQP. I have posted three new PDF 
files that provide some statistics that may help influence your decision.

You will find these files in the usual place: *http://tinyurl.com/d2j4kez*

*2012 FLQP - County Map.pdf*  -  (1-page) This file is the 2010 US 
Census graphic that shows population density overlaid on the outline of 
the state of Florida.

*2012 FLQP - County Table.pdf*  -  (2-pages) This file is a table of 
counties sorted from least to most populated, with the assumption that 
less people equates to fewer resident hams. In addition, the percentage 
of 'time on the air' by all mobile stations over the weekend is 
summarized in another column. Counties represented by the 1x1 special 
event call signs are highlighted in yellow. This table provides a quick 
snapshot of which counties are 'well represented' (those near the 
bottom) and those counties that are under-represented.

*2012 FLQP - County Graph.pdf*  -  (2-pages) This file is a graphic 
display of the table above.

I found three mobile routes posted on the website at the moment. That 
part of the information will grow and become more relevant as more 
itineraries are announced. All of these tables, charts, and graphs are 
included in the Excel workbook but these PDF files provide a good 
overview for study.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

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