[FQP] FQP Logs

Ron Wetjen wd4ahz at gte.net
Mon Apr 24 20:10:35 PDT 2006

A note from Dan this morning, said he already received 120 FQP logs!

If you've tried to send a log and it bounced, it's probably because the 
mailbox is full.  Just give it a couple days for the initial rush to die 
down, and try to send it again at that time.

He's also working on getting them sorted and classified, which takes a 
bit of work the first pass through.  We'll get them posted as soon as we 

Please give us a couple days to get the initial rush taken care of.  If 
you don't see your call listed in about 3 or 4 days, then try and resend 

He's working on them as fast as his "real job" and free time allows!


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