[Cwo] 2014 CWO Awards

D Faklis dfaklis at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 12 07:36:25 PST 2014

Thank you for the excellent discussions.  As a result, here is a proposal for awards:

Trophy, high score, per session, per region (9 trophies)
Trophy, high combined score, per region (3 trophies)
Plaque, high score, each of LP and QRP, per session, per region (18 plaques)
    Alternative:  Plaque, high score, each of HP, LP and QRP, per session, per region (27 plaques)
Minimum of 100 Qs (after log checking) is required to win an award.
If the same entrant wins multiple awards, they may be combined.

Est. Award Cost:  $80*12 (trophies) + $30*18 (plaques) = $1,500
    Alternative:  $80*12 (trophies) + $30*27 (plaques) = $1,770

Est. Domestic/Internat. Shipping:  $25*30 = $750
    Alternative: Est. Domestic/Internat. Shipping:  $25*39 = $975

Promotion:  $500

Est. Total:  $2,750
    Total Alternative:  $3,245

K6RB to ask ICOM if they would be willing to contribute between $1,250 and $1,500.  All of the costs will be less if awards are combined and/or are weighted to NA shipping addresses.

Once we settle on this, I'll put together a proposed promotion plan for us to discuss.  Please vote on Plan A, or the Alternative, Plan B, or suggest mods etc.  Thank you,

73, Dean, NW2K

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