[Cwo] 2014 CW Open and YO DX HF Contest

k6rb at baymoon.com k6rb at baymoon.com
Tue Sep 10 09:48:58 PDT 2013

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I would argue that banging up against NA Sprint SSB and WAE on Sep
13...and possibly FOC QSO Party...is worse than banging up against NA
Sprint CW. I agree with Hank that those who do Sprint go all out. That
said, we do not overlap that contest by even a second. I'm willing to risk
some reduction in participation in session 3 to avoid collisions with true
international contests such as WAE and YO DX. As I've said before, it
ain't going to be perfect, but I think Sep 6 is: a) consistent with our
current 'first partial or full weekend of Sept.' b) is marginally impacted
by a US/CA/NA contest. The only way we could avoid collisions is to have
CW Open on a weekday! If the ham population continues to keep aging, that
may very well be the ideal scenario, too.
I vote for Sept. 6 for all the reasons I've stated.
Rob K6RB
They haven&rsquo;t yet but I&rsquo;ll bet they will and they will
piss and moan about CWops. To nip this in the bud, I think KZ5D and KR3E
should be consulted before we land on the 13th. Note that the
FOC event is not a contest in the same sense that the other events are
although those who get into it treat it as such much like the ardent FD
groups treat FD as a contest.
We got into a lot of hot water with FOC when the first CWops
gathering was scheduled in Plymouth on the very weekend that FOC had its
annual gathering in the UK. I caught a lot of heat and hate mail as a

Pete, W1RM


cwo-bounces at kkn.net [mailto:cwo-bounces at kkn.net] On Behalf Of John

Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 10:51 AM

To: Hank Garretson

Cc: cwo at kkn.net; Dean Faklis

Subject: Re: [Cwo] 2014 CW Open and YO DX HF Contest

I'm a little late to this discussion, and perhaps
I've missed something, but what's wrong with the weekend of September
12-13, 2014?


The only contests I see scheduled for that weekend



SKCC (Straight Key Century Club) Weekend Sprintathon

ARRL VHF Contest

NA Sprint, SSB



Most are non-CW contests, and none would appear to be
a major conflict with CWO. No state QSO parties. No YO DX contest.


And FOC hasn't scheduled anything for September 2014




My suggestion:


            September 13, 2014
            0000 - 0359z
            September 13, 2014
            1200 - 1559z
            September 13, 2014
            2000 - 2359z










John K6MM


On Sep 10, 2013, at 7:20 AM, Hank Garretson wrote:


Good Morning All,

I am about to violate my
personal rule about "criticizing" and not offering a good
alternative. But ...

I don't have a good
feeling about Session 3 followed immediately (or even on the same weekend)
as NA CW Sprint.

CW Sprint is an intense
contest that demands full concentration. At least for me, switching gears
from CWO Session 3 to Sprint would not work. One or the other or more
likely both would suffer.

CW Sprinters are guys we
would like to have in CWops, CWTs, and CWOs. Let's make it easy for them
instead of conflicting. 


Hank, W6SX


On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 5:59 AM, k6rb at baymoon.com>

Chip's point makes total sense. They have been doing it on the last
full weekend of August; we have the last two years been doing it on the
first full or partial weekend of September.

Can we agree to do it on Sep 6? That would be totally consistent with
our past practice...and not put us in conflict with anything significant.
The NA Sprint which follows our session 3 does not conflict. It follows
only one session of the event.

In years passed, NA Sprint also conflicted with an FOC event. FOCers
would break out of their event - do the Sprint - then resume the FOC
event. In our case, it's not even an issue.

Let's give it a try. This is a better solution than conflicting with YO
DX and the state QSO parties. Can we get a consensus?

Rob K6RB



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