[Cwo] log checking example

Alan Maenchen ad6e at arrl.net
Thu Sep 29 12:22:58 PDT 2011

I'm still making progress at log checking. Still many bad logs .. or logs
with problems.
Mostly it's "Name" as the sent name, but one log fixed today had "001" as
the sent name.  These all seem to be N1MM generated logs.

I've managed now to get through two logs and I feel confident they were
reasonably checked.
I've attached the K6RB report card as an example. Rob did amazingly well in
accuracy.  Only 5 QSOs were deleted for accuracy problems out of 275.

Your feedback appreciated in terms of the RPT format.

BTW, the first bust is K4JX which should have been K5JX.  I had to manually
look this up and put in that note. Sometimes I won't be able to do that, so
it will just say "unknown call". The software just isn't good enough to give
that feedback. But it is good enough to identify the bad call as being bad.

The "Checked" number is the number of QSOs that were actually checked based
on other logs. If we received no log from someone, those QSOs are only
checked for "name" based on other guys who worked the same station.  I may
delete this from the RPT file in the future as it tells the guy that some
QSOs were not checked which is not exactly true.

Sorry for using your log as the first sample Rob, but we're all your
I would have used mine, but there are still a couple of "issues" I need to
fix there. I'll put it out later along with a couple of others from our
little group.

73, Alan  AD6E
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