[Cwo] Calls worked in CWO

Peter Chamalian w1rm at arrl.net
Wed Sep 21 12:33:53 PDT 2011

In the list Matt provided, I see W1JR listed with the name JOW not JOE.
Earlier there was NB6V and some alternates listed none of which were N6BV


For what it's worth.


Pete, W1RM


From: Marshall "Matt" Thomas, WX5S [mailto:mmthoma at attglobal.net] 
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 8:23 AM
To: Alan Maenchen
Cc: cwo at kkn.net
Subject: Re: [Cwo] Calls worked in CWO


Thought better of the : idea.
this just uses , and then extra calls. I think that looks better
in excel format.

/Matt WX5S

On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 5:19 AM, Marshall "Matt" Thomas, WX5S
<mmthoma at attglobal.net> wrote:


Running your .csv through approximate callsign matcher
yields the attached csv.  If other approximate matches found,
see list starts with a ':'. ****BAD CALL for bad calls (like DOUG, etc).

/Matt WX5S

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Alan Maenchen <ad6e at arrl.net> wrote:

Here's a complete list of all calls recorded in all the logs received along
with the Name associated with the call.
Note, the number next to the call is the number of times that call pops up
in the logs. The name may be correct (or not) and the number to the right is
the number of times that Name agrees with that call .. all based on received
data. So, if the name number is smaller than the call number, one can assume
the name was copied wrong somewhere.

First, WOW!   

There are 1149 call signs in this list .. meaning that over 1,000 hams
participated in CWO.  Fantastic!   So why did we get only 372 logs? (problem
for next time).

Second .. there are busted calls in this list.  Here's an example of some
obvious ones:

















Obviously the first, second, and fourth are bad calls.  
Please go through this list and eyeball others that you think may be bad
calls and send me your list. 
Just because you identify a bad call doesn't mean it is bad. I'll be able to
check it. But if you don't give me anything to check, then the truly bad
calls will get credit... and we don't want that.

Third -  If you see an odd name that you don't think is right, let me know.
That isn't likely, but nothing is perfect... especially me. I'm especially
suspicious of JA names.

I found only 15 bad logs with format/entry problems. I've sent those back to
the owners and asked them to fix their problems. Probably half were early
N1MM revision and/or folks using CWT modules.   A bunch more have "Name" as
their sent name.  I'm simply fixing those myself with a text editor. All in
all, the logs look to be in excellent shape.

Tks & 73,  Alan  AD6E


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