[BARC] Congratulations on your $25 USD win!

Fri, 13 Oct 2000 02:01:51 -0500

You are a winner !!!

You were randomly selected from our opt-in lists and you won $25.00 USD
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If the links to collect your $25.00 USD don't work or you would like to receive
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number below.

First Name ____________________    Last Name ____________________

Street Address ________________________________________________

City ____________________     State/Province ______________________

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E-Mail _________________________________

##############   Send fax to:     1-775-766-2022   ##############

Delivered by Segasolution to referrals and opt-ins only. All remove requests
are honored. All players must be 18 years and over. Bonus dollars are only
available to credit card depositors. 4u-Casino guarantees minimum wins. 
Good luck!

