[ARDF] LZ1PPL ARDF receiver for 3.5 MHz

Jay Hennigan jay at west.net
Wed Aug 14 07:18:33 GMT 2019

One other concern, the local oscillator is a SI5351 clock generator 
which outputs a squarewave with a 1 ns rise and fall time. This is 
connected directly to the LO input of the mixer, so it's going to be a 
rather dirty LO to put it mildly. The SA612 mixer is good to 500 MHz.

It might be OK in remote areas without a lot of RF, but I suspect that 
there's going to be quite a bit of spurious response to out-of-band 
signals. I'd like to see some kind of filter on the local oscillator.

Jay Hennigan - jay at west.net
Network Engineering - CCIE #7880
503 897-8550 - WB6RDV

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