[ARDF] Fun and Frustration

Marvin Johnston marvin at west.net
Sun Sep 27 09:43:19 PDT 2009


In what ways do you think ARDF needs to evolve? I'm not sure if ARDF 
needs to evolve or if the way we are approaching promotion needs to 
change ... or both.

I certainly agree with Vadim that a time committment needs to be made, 
but that time also needs to be spent effectively. It is quite possible 
we are repeating ways of promotion that are just not effective, so I am 
starting to test different approaches.

Putting on an antenna building workshop prior to a hunt has brought out 
some new people. And a couple of them show some real promise of being 
potential competitors.

My next approach (besides the ARDF practice this month) will be to put 
on some ARDF training on the afternoon of our next Scouting orienteering 
meet at Firestone Boy Scout Camp. We will have training and equipment 
for the scouts. I'm also thinking about an adult leadership training for 
scout leaders who would like to know more about ARDF and how to help 
scouts get involved.


Marvin, KE6HTS

Charles Scharlau wrote:

> I think ARDF will ultimately need to
> evolve or go extinct. I think it must evolve both in the USA and
> internationally. The rules, and the equipment, both must evolve.
> -NZ0I

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