[ARDF] Region 3 Championships in Thailand

Dale Hunt WB6BYU wb6byu at arrl.net
Fri Apr 24 06:20:19 PDT 2009

When we were in Korea last year it was carefully explained to me that  
the ARRL is, in fact, a member society of IARU Region 3 because of the  
US possessions in the Pacific. (And the ARRL actually paid their dues  
on time, unlike some of the other Societies.)

Therefore we can compete officially as a Region 3 Society rather than  
as visitors.

(For those who collect such trivia, the RSGB is a member of all three  
IARU Regions.)

	- Dale WB6BYU

On 23 Apr 2009, at 22:12, Homingin at aol.com wrote:

> The ARDF Championships of IARU Region 3 (Asia and Oceania) will be  
> October
> 29 through November 3 in Thailand.  Bulletin 1 in English for these
> championships has just been issued and I have placed it here for  
> downloading:
> http://www.homingin.com/ARDF09ThaiBltn1v2.pdf
> If you want to attend (at your own expense) and represent USA, please
> contact me so that a USA Letter of Intent can be sent to the  
> organizers by June 1.
> Joe Moell K0OV
> ARRL ARDF Coordinator
> homingin at aol.com
> ARDF mailing list
> ARDF at kkn.net
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