[ARDF] Dayton Hamvention

Marvin Johnston marvin at rain.org
Tue May 16 09:30:06 PDT 2006

For anyone that will be at the Dayton Hamvention this weekend, I'll be there in
spaces 3127 and 3128 with Bob Simmons, WB6EYV.

Besides the usual assortment of "stuff", we will also have the K0OV offset
attenuator kits, WB2HOL Tape Measure Beam kits, WB6BYU 80M receiver kits,
Microhunt transmitter modules (2m, 50 mW), Squawkbox transmitter modules (voice
recorder transmitter), PicoDopps, a few copies of the Transmitter Hunting book
by Joe Moell, K0OV and Tom Curlee, WB6UZZ and signed by Joe, and maybe some
other transmitter hunting "stuff".

It would be great if some of the transmitter hunters could also get together for
dinner either Friday or Saturday nights; it is always fun to put faces with
names and share some "war stories"! I'll be out of touch from late tonight (PDT)
until late Thursday, but this listserver would be a great way to keep in touch.


Marvin, KE6HTS

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