[ARDF] Homingin.com down?

Matthew Robbins cedarcreek at gmail.com
Mon May 1 21:30:22 PDT 2006


    The photos are spectacular.  The action photos where you panned to
blur the background are great (for example, the one of Harley in the
2m finish corridor).


On 5/2/06, Homingin at aol.com <Homingin at aol.com> wrote:
> Jay Hennigan wrote:
> >I get a generic AOL "Not found" on Joe's site.
> Yes, the site was out for a while again today.  For no apparent reason, AOL
> flushed most of my files last Friday, and then did it again today.  Try
> accessing it now -- you should get a temporary front page with links to the most
> important stuff.
> I have all the files on disk, but AOL's FTP only accepts manual
> one-at-a-time-and-type-in-the-filename uploads, and I'm not about to do that with several
> hundred files if they're just going to get flushed again.  AOL has promised to
> resore everything "soon" but we'll see.
> The good news is that I finally got my photos from North Carolina up.  Was
> traveling most of April and couldn't get to it.  If you're in a photo and want a
> high-res of it, send me an e-mail.
> I sent ARRL Web people a feature article on the championships over a week ago
> and it still hasn't shown up there yet.
> Hope everyone will be doing some sort of ARDF activity for the National
> Foxhunting Weekend May 13-14.
> 73,
> Joe Moell K0OV
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