[ARDF] 2 Meter receivers

bruce brucep at netspace.net.au
Tue Jul 18 18:05:34 PDT 2006

> just isn't all that good.  Thanks for the offer to look at 
> your stuff but I'm in the Seattle area.  Did find the group 


There is a group in Everett. We hunted (and won!) with them once.
If you're keen on actually building a kit I've inherited an old
Ultra-sniffer kit that never got fully built by someone else (the external
box is provided though, so hard to muck up the look). It probably needs some
care, attention and debugging though. It does use buttons though, not knobs,
and knowledge of hex is an advantage for programming the channels :)

Or anyone else who wants a little project ?
I'll sell for US$50 + pp (ono) so ends up a fair bit cheaper than a Mk4.
Experience and access to test gear recommended.
I still use the Ultra for Fox-Or events over the Mk4; I prefer the audio
(but I believe the more recent Mk4's have improved in this area). Ultra is
fine for foxhunts too, as long as the fox stays on one frequency (and in
fact has slightly better intermodulation performance than the Mk4 if you
suffer from Pagers etc on 2m). Also the rechargeable battery is a plus if
you use it a lot. FM liaison/transmit a plus.
If interested I can probably find some old web pages to throw up.
Not recommended for quick frequency agility and less user feedback as to how
close you are to the TX. Doesn't have the nifty feature set for ARDF that
the Mk4 has.


PS: to Marvin/Dale/Bob(s)/Dick/Harley and any others going to Bulgaria:
Looks like the Aussie team won't be able to make it this year (a number of
reasons). Best of Luck !

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