[ARDF] Jurors for the 2006 ARDF World Championships

Dale Hunt, WB6BYU wb6byu at arrl.net
Thu Nov 17 22:13:25 PST 2005

As is usual for an ARDF World Championship, I have been asked to forward
the names of one or two people to serve as International Jurors from 
Region 2 at the 2006 World Championships in Bulgaria.  (See Joe's 
previous email for more info.)

   The general requirements for a Juror are a good knowledge of ARDF, 
a sense of fairness, sportsmanship and impartiality, good judgement,
and the ability to work well together with people from other countries.
Typical duties include sitting out in the woods for 6 to 8 hours watching
competitors come by a transmitter (and probably keeping a paper 
backup log as they do) while monitoring that all is as it should be.
It might include a long discussion about how to interpret unclear
wording in the rules.  Sometimes you might be invited to a formal
or reception.

   In exchange for their work, jurors receive free room and board
for the duration of the event, but you have to pay your own
transportation to and from the competition.

   Let me know if you are interested in being a juror, either this
year or in the future.  Training can be provided.  If you want to
know what it is like, Karla, Marvin and I have each done it in the 

   I have to have the names in to the Organizing committee by 
early March - yes, I know that is before the US Championships, so 
you can't wait to see if you make the team.

     - Dale WB6BYU
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