[ARDF] Blind Ham ARDF Competition

Freyra at aol.com Freyra at aol.com
Fri Aug 19 16:48:51 PDT 2005

Together with support from the ARRL, the OH-KY-IN amateur radio Society in 
Cincinati, OH is investigating the possibility of holding the first ever Blind 
Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) USA Championship next year. Tentative 
time line is the Thursday or Friday before the Dayton Hamvention. Location will 
be in the vicinity of O'Hara Arena. The hunt would be on 80 Meters with a 
limited amount of equipment for loan. A practice session will also be scheduled 
for all new to the sport of ARDF and 80 meters. Before moving forward with 
details we need to take a pole of potential competitors to verify that there is 
sufficient interest in such an endeavor. Should you like to participate or just 
have some questions please send an e-Mail to wb4suv at arrl.net or wa6ezv at arrl.net.
Should we receive sufficient response, details on time, date, location, 
venue, etc will be posted on http://www.ardfusa.com. Currently, a list of tentative 
rules can also be found on this site.
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