[ARDF] 2006 Event

Vadim Afonkin (Comcast) vadim.afonkin at comcast.net
Thu Aug 11 18:26:53 PDT 2005

I agree, lets keep it simple 2 day event, however disagree with NO BUSES, NO
DORMS. It way more easier to get everyone in one place and bring everyone to
start in one bus, then deal with 20 cars needs to get to start and then get
them moved to the finish(unless you have start and finish at the same
location). Takes more time to organize, but gives you better start afterall.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Freyra at aol.com>
To: <ardf at kkn.net>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:58 PM
Subject: [ARDF] 2006 Event

> Charles and Nadia:
>  After reading all the replies it seems everyone has suggestions on how
> should do it.I know you have only a small number of helpers and a large
> event is not logical. I say go with your 2 or 3 day plan.  NO BUSSES, NO
> NO BIG BANQUET, No big practice sessions etc.  Keep it simple!
> Bob
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