[ARDF] How did I do in Brno?

Sam Smith sam.smith at ece.gatech.edu
Fri Sep 24 13:37:58 CDT 2004

Marvin and Matt, glad to hear everyone had a good time at the World Champs.

The regular orienteers practice the control procedure as a seperate 
drill. Running in, punching, folding their map and running out in one 
smooth motion.

You can think of the time spent at the control as a constant that never 
varies. The competitor needs to make that time as small as possible. One 
drill that is useful is to use a wristwatch to record how much time you 
spend running as opposed to stopped or walking. Start your watch when 
you begin. If you must stop, stop your watch. When you start moving 
again, restart your watch. At the end compare your total time to the 
time on your watch to see what percentage you spent standing still. That 
can be a very sobering drill.


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