[ARDF] fibreglass/kevlar yagis

Dick Arnett darnett at stelizabeth.com
Mon Sep 22 00:14:04 CDT 2003

I was intrigued by the Aussies antennas in Hungary and started acquiring the materials to build one when I get the time (hi).  A few months ago I was in charge of a major fibre relocation project at work that had numerous fiber count single and multi mode cables.  I checked all of the cables used and only one had a fibreglass/kevlar stiffener that was of appropriate size.  This one was a Berk-Tek Single Mode LTP1B024 ADVENTUN TYPE ONFP OFN-FT6.  I do not know how you tell the difference between fibreglass or kevlar but in any case DO NOT handle the stiffener without gloves.  One of the installers was complaining of fibers in his hand weeks after touching the stiffener.  The ends of the optical fibers are even more dangerous.  Be sure to tape them up.   
>>> Adam Scammell <a.scammell at rocketmail.com> 09/21/03 21:51 PM >>>
--- Jay Hennigan <jay at west.net> wrote:
> Aussies on the list, I'm asking!  How did your antennas work in
> Slovakia?

I've had 2 different fiberglass/kevlar antennas over the time.
I've replaced 1 boom (lightweight aluminium kindly damaged by a boy
scout) and 1 or 2 sets of elements.
Element replacement is required due to stresses placed on the boom
mounting section. There is a brass section ~4-5cm in length. This is
soldered to the braid at either end. After several years usage the
braid parts company with the solder, leaving an open.
Recently, we were able to re solder these. however in the past we
replaced them, as there wasn't too much braid left.

The only time I've ever broken elements was whilst learing to Ski. (Yes
once a year we have a SNOW DF. This is an ARDF or recently fox-or-ing
event held at one of the ski resorts.

As for Slovakia,
I can honestly say no damage was sustained by our equipment either
during transport (thanks Gyuri) or during the competition. (thanks Bob,
and others) :)

Adam Scammell,

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