[ARDF] Transmitter Hunts coming at ARRL SW Convention

Homingin at aol.com Homingin at aol.com
Mon Sep 1 17:07:06 CDT 2003

HamCon-03, the ARRL Southwestern Division Convention September 5-7, features 
a full lineup of radio direction finding activities including three forums, an 
antenna/attenuator-building workshop plus two prizes-for-winners foxhunts, 
one for vehicle-based hunters and the other all on foot.  Convention 
headquarters is the Hilton Hotel at the World Trade Center in downtown Long Beach, 

On-foot Foxhunt

Whether you're a teenager, a senior, or somewhere in between, you could find 
transmitters and win prizes at the Sunday afternoon on-foot hunt, which will 
take place within a few miles of the convention center.  You won't need a 
driver's license or even a ham license, just some simple radio gear. You must sign 
up in advance at the Transmitter Hunting Table just outside the Exhibit Room 
during exhibit hours on Friday (5 - 7 PM) or Saturday (9 AM - 5 PM). There 
you'll find out where and when to appear for the hunt.

Direction Finding Forums and Workshops

Foxhunting on the program schedule starts at 10 AM Saturday in Pacific Room 
#2 when Joe Moell K0OV explains the basics of on-foot hunting and lets you see 
what it's like to attend top-notch events such as the USA Championships in 
Ohio one month ago and the World Championships last year in Slovakia.  After 
that, hop on over to Pacific Room #1 where Randy Estrella KR6DR will talk about 
"forensic" transmitter hunting.  He will probably show some of the "stealth" 
antennas that he has used to identify perpetrators of malicious interference.

RDF Equipment Workshop

>From 9 to 11 AM on Sunday in International Room #2, Marvin Johnston KE6HTS 
will present a workshop where you can build your own 2-meter tape measure yagi 
and offset attenuator for on-foot RDF.  He'll have everything you'll need 
including sandpaper and a hot soldering iron.  It's not mandatory, but Marvin would 
appreciate it if you would pre-register for this workshop by sending e-mail 
to marvin at rain.org.  That will insure that he brings enough material with him 
from Santa Barbara.  If you can't send e-mail beforehand, you can sign up for 
the workshop at the Transmitter Hunting Table outside the Exhibit Room.

Join the Fun

Even if you have never gone on a hidden transmitter hunt, you can participate 
at HamCon 2003. Learn how to use just your handi-talkie to get bearings by 
"body shielding" at my talk, then try to find some hidden transmitters at the 
convention site during exhibit hours on Saturday.  Acquire some better RDF 
equipment by attending Marvin's workshop on Sunday morning, and then you'll be 
ready to compete for prizes at the on-foot event on Sunday afternoon.  Be sure to 
check the southern California T-hunt frequency (146.565 MHz simplex) on a 
regular basis during the convention.  You might hear a "volunteer" hidden 
transmitter to find.

The HamCon Web site has directions, registration, schedule and parking 
information.  URL is www.hamcon.org

Joe Moell K0OV

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