[ARDF] Mistakes in ARRL Web report

Homingin at aol.com Homingin at aol.com
Mon Sep 1 14:26:47 CDT 2003

Before anybody writes to tell me about it, be advised that I already know 
about the glaring errors in the ARRL Web article about the Ohio championships.  I 
had submitted a news story with three photos a couple of weeks ago, but the 
ARRL editor expanded it into a festure by snatching material and photos from my 
site, from ardfusa.com, and elsewhere.  Not only did he introduce some 
errors, but I don't know if he got permission to use photos from the other sites.  
(I had given him blanket permission to use mine.)

I have already sent text and caption corrections to the ARRL editor.  If he 
used your photos, I hope he asked first and/or you don't mind.

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