[ARDF] ardf equipment notes

Kuon & Dale Hunt kuon at onlinemac.com
Fri Dec 12 21:40:52 CST 2003

Some notes on ARDF equipment:

   Jiri OK2BWN has a web site up at www.marecek.sky.cz
   offering the equipment that he has been building for
   the Czech team.  I didn't see prices, but I've asked
   him to make sure that he includes contact information
   for foreign orders in the English language section.
   If you see something of interest, you might consider
   arranging pickup during the World ARDF Championships
   next year in the Czech Republic to save shipping.

   Mizuho discontinued manufacture of their DF receivers
   in Japan earlier this year, but I have leads on a couple
   of them through a contact.  A new one might be around
   US$250 plus shipping, used ones somewhat less.  This
   is more expensive than the VK3YNG receivers and not as
   automated, but if anyone is interested let me know
   and I'll get more details.

   Also, the next Friendship Radiosport Games are scheduled
   for Khabharovsk, Russia next August, and it might be
   possible to find some used Altai 2m receivers.  If there
   is interest I will enquire.

      - Dale WB6BYU

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