[ARDF] 2004 US ARDF Championship

Gerald Boyd wb8wfk at worldnet.att.net
Tue Aug 19 20:25:20 CDT 2003


I am sure there is a process and that it will be announced when its time to
start the selection process.

In my case I am interested in world and if given the opportunity would go,
but due to vacation time issues I can not attend a national and world
championship within the same year. I will have to make a decision on which
way to go when the process is announced to the group.

By the way I have not yet got a response from HQ on the radio O transmitter

Also a interesting tidbit. Our group has two new sites that we are
developing for ARDF use with the local government. It turns out that the one
of the sites was a fox farm in the 1920's and went out of business in the
1930's when the depression started. The Fox barns are still standing on the
site! How appropriate for an activity that is sometimes called fox hunting.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sam Smith" <sam.smith at ece.gatech.edu>
To: <ardf at kkn.net>
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 10:15 AM
Subject: [ARDF] 2004 US ARDF Championship

Bob Frey wrote:
     I am EXTREMELY disappointed in Dale's comments of making
     the selections based on this years event since as an
     organizer I could not participate. Also what about all
     those who would continue to train and perform better in
     upcoming events. Based on Dale's suggestion why bother.
     I might as well forget it.

Do we have a documented selection process? The more people we get the
more we need to have one. Nothing gets people more upset than a mystery
process... I wasn't aware that we had so much competition for slots.
Next year I'm eligible for M50 :-) But it's a real long shot that I
would leave the US.


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