[usa2003ardf] Transmitters

Kuon & Dale Hunt kuon at onlinemac.com
Sun Aug 10 09:47:40 CDT 2003

I measured my Hamtronics 2m transmitters at 270ma, so
a 2 Ah battery will handle 4 continuous hours of operation
to half capacity.  (Since the regulator output voltage
is around 8 volts, this gives me plenty of safety factor.)
In a set of 5 this should last for two 10-hour days over
a weekend.  (But I'd probably still use a 7 Ah cell for
a major competition, just to be sure, though for the price
and weight a bundle of Alkaline C cells soldered together
would probably be better.)

The easiest way I found to mount equipment in the skinny
ammo cans is to cut a piece of thin plywood to fit along
one side of the box, then screw on some wood spacers the
same width as the inside of the box.  The transmitter and
controller can then mount to the plywood.  By putting the
wood spacers in the appropriate places they can hold the
battery.  The whole assembly then slips out easily for
maintenance and programming.

And remember - your first practice boxes don't have to be
built to the highest standards.  I got started using a
paint can, and old crystal HT, and a CMOS shift register
that I could program to keep repeating my callsign over
and over (based on the circuit in Joe's book, page 194.)
A TICK keyer chip can also provide the signal source.
That will allow you to practice (and get others interested)
while you collect the transmitters and other parts for
a complete set of boxes.

    - Dale WB6BYU

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