[usa2003ardf] Website and Reflector Status

Freyra at aol.com Freyra at aol.com
Sun Aug 10 10:41:37 CDT 2003

now that I have almost all the items from the event covered, I find time to 
respond to to all the messages. Here are my thoughts on several topics:

1. USAARDF2003 reflactor - Ken Harker gratiously setup this reflector.  I 
would think this reflecor could be closed at the end of Septermber as all 
business relating to the 2003 championships should be closed by then. 

Based on comments which I agree with, I think it is a good idea to have a 
reflector dedicated to the subject of ARDF. If Ken is willing an ARDFUSA 
reflector sounds like a great way for everyone to share information. 

2. <A HREF="WWW.ARDFUSA.com">WWW.ARDFUSA.com</A> web site. I as willing to keep this site in existance with 
the currentURL and post information relating to equipement, batteries, 
antennas etc used for the sport. If  individuals have content, I can get it on the 
web site.  Comments????

3. Equipment comments from the event and ewxperience:

       a. PIC controllers - I have always liked these a great deal. THey are 
very flexable and perform well.  From experience, the one weep point is the 
RJ-45 connector.  We saw, and have seen before, failures resulting from this 
connection. Many people has spare PICS with them for loan.  THey all had RJ-45 
connectors.  The new version of the PIC controller has DB-9 connectors. 
Conversion or a pigtale would be great improvement. However, to poll equipment for 
loan ect would require that everyone either add apigtale rj45 bto DB9 or directly 
convert to DB9. We continuosly move the pics from the 2M to 80M units and to 
other transmitters for mobile hunts.  Using dedicated PICS for the ARDF units 
would reduce the connection problems but limit versatility.

       b. Batteries - We have had good luck with the 7 AH batteries in the 
ammo boxes. At 20% duty cycle voltages dropped to arround 10.5 to 11 Volts after 
5 hours of operation at 5 Watts for the two meter rigs. External binding 
posts were aded to all our boxes to allow for either charging or adding an 
external battery on the fly. This is extremely useful. We had four Gel cell chargers 
which allowed us to recarge the cells  overnight. Voltage for the 80M after 5 
hours was slightly higher ar 11.5 to 12V for the 3W transmitters.  We used a 
12 AH cell for the 100% duty cucle of the homing beacons.

       c. Packaging - As we had the two meter transmitters long before the 
80M units we used 50MM ammo boxes. I like the solid and water tight 
construction. Believe it or not on all the 25% duty cycle units heat was not a major 
problem. If I have a change I would recomment pavkaging both the two meter and the 
80M transmitters in the same box.  This also prevents the need for switching 
batteries between the boxes, like we needed to do, and possibly breaking a 
battery connector due to continued use.

       d. 80M antennas - For information - THe vertical element was 26 foot 
with three 16 foot ground radials.  THere was a matching transformer at the 
bottom. Using a toriod with aapproximately 45 turns on the antenna side and 5 
turns going to the transmitter.  I can provide more details if needed or post it 
to the web site if the site continues.

       e. - Montreal Controller - As programming changes are not an issue. We 
used two of these less expensive controllers for the homing peacons. No 

       f. 80M fox orenteering transmitters - I believe these 10 MW 
transmitters fall into the PArt 15 regulations. Here is a link for  those who want to 
give it areal coose look. <A HREF="http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/part15.html#Scope">http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/part15.html#Scope</A>

Enough for now.



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