[WVARC] Field Day 1971

John Musselman WB6UHF wb6uhf@arrl.net
Sat, 28 Sep 2002 21:02:03 -0700

Hello All,

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Amateur Radio Club has posts of all
their old bulletins on the web.  Two of those make mention of the West
Valley ARC.  Most notably the Nov-Dec 1971 issue at:


Here is what one article says:


QST, November 1971 listed the final results of the Field Day exercise. W6VIO
was entered in the Club category, using four transmitters, with a maximum
input power in the 200 w range. As such, we were up against some pretty
stiff competition. Two California club stations (West Valley ARC & Conejo
Valley ARC) took top honors, with 5964 and 5342 points respectively. W6VIO
came in with 1764 points, good for 51st place, out of a total of 95 entries.
In further analysis of the results, 14 of the winners were from California,
attesting to the high degree of activity out here on the west coast."

It would appear from this, that WVARC won first place for 4A in 1971.  Is
this correct?
