[TexasARDF] Getting started/field yagi ant...

William McGrady mcgradymd.txsg at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 21:52:05 PDT 2011

Good evening, 

I'm Dr McGrady of the Texas State Guard down here in Galveston (close to Clear Lake!).  I stumbled across your website and have a few ideas.  

First, our TxSG group has many new technician level HAM operators.  It would be fun to introduce them to ARDF to increase our radio skill.  This also is practical as we are to set up after disasters and most of us have Yaesu HTs that have the emergency beacon function.  
Third, your RDF tape antennas look to be 'perfect' field yagi!!!  I'm sure you can pull one out a backpack and get a VHF signal through the woods if pointed correctly!!  Just having a Yagi that can take a beating would prove useful for our group.  

I would love to meet with any of your group in the Houston area.  I'll buy you a coffee.  

Thank you,

CPT McGrady, MD
Medical Officer, A Co

713 259-9701

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