[TexasARDF] 2008 USA Champs registration deadline

Jennifer Harker harkerjen at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 25 16:09:14 PDT 2008

Hi, everybody!

Just a friendly reminder that registrations for this year's USA Championships should be postmarked by Monday, April 28th (three days from now).

I need a good head count by May 1 for the dinner caterer and the t-shirts.  :-)

If you're sending in a registration at this point, I'd also appreciate an email letting me know you're coming, and how many dinners and tshirts (and what sizes) you'd like.  Also, if you don't see your name on the web site competitor list by Wednesday evening, it's a good chance we haven't received your registration yet and could use a email.  (Right now we're a little behind on updating web pages, but we'll be back on schedule by then.)  Or, if you just can't decide - and want a little more time - an email saying so would be nice, too.  (I plan to get a few extra t-shirts and dinners for stragglers and last-minute volunteers.)

If you're still debating whether to come - we hope you'll join us.  It's going to be a fun weekend!


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