[FQP] Thank you Fixed and 1x1 Special Event FQP Stations!

Christopher Blake cqdenx4n at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 14:49:21 PDT 2018

Hi FQP Die-Hards,
Just a quick but HUGE note of appreciation to the many(!) Fixed and 1x1
Special event stations that are the foundation of the Florida QSO Party.
Your activations mean you are *the* top representative for your County; the
mobiles literally come and go with the wind but *you* are the lightning and

And you do make a difference as a beacon for your county - for example,
K2ZR/4 is activating MON on CW-only but is willing to QSY for those that
want a phone QSO (please qrx will he works down the initial pile-up
though).  Dick is just one of more than three dozen super Fixed Station
operators that make our state heard - loudly!

Hope each of you have Big Fun making FQP radio-active from your Fixed

Tnx es vy 73/OJ/AHZ,
Chris, NX4N

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