[FQP] FQP Confirmed Mobiles as of 4/20/17

Christopher Blake cqdenx4n at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 12:10:01 PDT 2017

Dear FQP Fans,
Below is the latest list of confirmed and tentative mobiles - K2CIB had to
scratch (we'll miss you John!) but K4ZGB has registered and is covering
many of the North FL counties - Thanks and Welcome, Tom!

There are still a few Mobiles that have *not yet registered their routes
for SAT and SUN;* please do so soon so folks can track your activity and
get that illusive sweep! K0RC and NO5W have great tools (with links to them
on our Counties page) that make it easy-peasy to track all mobile and fixed
activity from our 67 counties.

BTW - Many thanks to the *FIXED* Stations that have registered on our site
- we're up to 47 and Growing! Keep it up folks; this will be a FB QSO party

*Anyone else out there thinking to go mobile?*

vy 73,
Chris, NX4N

1. KN4Y*
*2. N4DAB**
*3. K4OJ**
*4. NO5W**
*5. AD4ES**
*6. K1XX**
*7. N4GI**
*8. K4KG**
*9. K8MR**
*10. N4MB**
*11. K4FCG (K1KNQ)**
*12. K4ZGB**

*13. N4FP*
*14. N4EEB*
*15. KT4WX*

*These stations have registered their routes on the FQP site

16. K2DS - considering a run

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