[FQP] Announcing the 2014 Orlando Contest Dinner!

Chris Plumblee chris.plumblee at gmail.com
Sun Dec 8 19:27:10 PST 2013

Gentlemen and Ladies, Children of All Ages!

I'm pleased to announce that the FCG is again sponsoring a contest dinner
to be held on Friday night, February 7, 2014 from 6pm until 10pm at the
American Legion Hall at 2101 Lee Rd. in Orlando. Invite your friends and
plan on another great event. We will be privileged to have K1DG, noted
contester in his own right as well as head of the WRTC2014 committee, to
give the keynote address in 2014.

More details as well as payment options will be forthcoming in the next
couple of weeks. We strongly suggest pre-paying for your ticket, as there
will be a limited number of seats available. We will provide further
details soon.

Please clear your calendars for Friday night, February 7 2014 and make
plans to attend the premiere contest event in the southeast! (the hamfest
isn't bad either)

Chris WF3C

Chris Plumblee

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