[FQP] CQ/X Elmers

Chuck Green chuck at addressnmail.com
Fri Apr 27 12:59:54 PDT 2012

I made great strides with cq/x today.  Solved issue after issue.  When on a trial trip, after 
inserting a new county crossing that included the county I was currently located in, all worked well.
I do have a questions regarding CQ/X.

1. Each time I start CQ/X and tell it I am continuing the previous log I still have to enter and set 
up a bazillion things including radio interface and com port assignments, crossing map etc.  Why is 
this so and can it be fixed?

2. When we enter a call, hit <cr> or space we still do not know it is a dup until we enter their 
report.  Why aren't dups indicated in the entry window based on the call especially since the mode 
and frequency are a known item.

3.  Does creation of a crossing file, assuming that it is very accurate, enhance the ability of CQ/X 
to determine a county crossing?

4. If we use a crossing file and due to construction or some other anomaly have to change route on 
the fly and actually skip a county are we doomed?

I am not only excited about my new mobile configuration, CQ/X and ARPS will had to the enjoyment.  
Very much looking forward to this weekend.


Chuck Green
General Manager
Address N' Mail
404 E New Haven Ave
Melbourne FL 32901

Email: chuck at addressnmail.com
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