[FQP] What Category ??

K9TM k9tm at buckeye-express.com
Wed Apr 4 18:51:47 PDT 2012

From the FQP rules page...
(D) Mobile. Mobile is a station that is self-contained (radio, antenna, power source) capable of motion. Motion is optional.

We have similar wording for mobiles in OhQP and MiQP and we would not consider antennas setup anywhere other than on the vehicle as "self-contained" or "capable of motion".  While a 25' mast mounted to a vehicle may be "capable of motion", it is likely not a viable mobile solution.  By "capable of motion", this implies antenna not tied to trees, ground or other non mobile supports.

Jeff wrote "I have a 25 foot fiberglass mast and I was thinking about us  driving to several counties and throw up a dipole on that mast, operate awhile and move to another county.".
If the fiberglass mast were somehow affixed to the vehicle along with the dipole and the vehicle was "capable of motion" with the antenna erected, that seems to fit the mobile description.  I'm guessing that since Jeff is not able to put a mag mounted hamstick on the vehicle, he isn't going to have the fiberglass mast mounted to the vehicle?  Let alone have the dipole mounted to the mast at 25' on the vehicle and be "capable of motion"?  Seems like you'd hit a lot of stuff with a 25' mast attached to a vehicle (like all those 13' bridges, powerlines, tree limbs).

If the thought is to setup a portable mast and dipole in different counties and given that FQP has no rover category, this operation would appear to be a string of separate multi-op efforts for each county activated.  Kinda like the K8MR multi-station SS efforts, it's not a category but he has fun doing it.

Of course what category this is for FQP, is up to the FQP committee.

73, Tim K9TM  
WCF, Charlotte County FL, EL86
OH, Lucas County OH, EN81
VI, n/a, FK77 - KP2TM

On Apr 4, 2012, at 7:56 PM, Ron Wetjen wrote:

On 4/3/2012 8:27 PM, Jeff Clarke wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out what class we would be in. After reading  the FQP
> rules there doesn't appear to a "rover" class. What class would we claim if
> we did this ?  Would we just be a check log ? We don't care if we win
> anything. We are just want to join in the fun by being in Florida.. I don't
> think we could enter the mobile class since we can't operate and drive with
> our antennas at the same time.

You're still considered a mobile, since the station is still self 
contained (you're schlepping everything with you) ... motion is optional.

As Bob suggested, use a trailer.  That's exactly what a few of the other 
mobile do/have done.

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