[FQP]Re: [3830] FlQP W6YX SchoolMixed LP

Jim White, K4OJ k4oj at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Apr 29 16:21:08 CDT 2003

N6DE and the Gang at W6YX ask:

We called "CQ Florida" on 10m and 15m, with limited success.  Most of the
stations returning our CQs were not in Florida.  It became so funny after a
while that Mark K6UFO and I started a list of states that called us! 
K4OJ: Is there an FQP award for Worked All States while calling "CQ

K4OJ responds:

Come into my office, Dean - get comfortable...

Well, its like this...please, lay down on the couch...

This is a fairly frequent occurrence in human relations and it is 
expressing itself in some hams through the location of the individuals 

Sometimes referred to as FQP envy, it is also known in some circles as 
Party envy...

And of course some just get caught up in the excitement and dump their 
calls in before seeing the error of their ways - referred to in some 
circles as Premature Evaluation [not checking it is indeed a Floridian 
before they dump their call in]

I am sorry, Dean but I see our time is up... I will not be available for 
any more sessions until next year however you may wish to see my 
colleague K1KI who will be conducting sessions next weekend in a similar 
vein. Go to his related web site [ http://www.fara.org/neqp/topten.html ]

Have a good week. Be sure to try out that new antenna next weekend in 
the New England QSO Party!  Be patient with those with Party Envy, 
should you be comfortable you may wish to refer these individuals to the 
OCOS, here is my card....

K4OJ, Ph.D. Contests  -   Director

The Orange Clinic for Operator Studies

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