[Cwo] CW Open 2014

k6rb at baymoon.com k6rb at baymoon.com
Sun Sep 15 17:36:35 PDT 2013

BWQP is FOC's twice yearly open event. It goes 24 hours, from 0Z to
2400Z, and is international. So, we would face a CW only event whose 24
hours overlaps our 12 hours. So, it's not good.
We ruled out the August weekends because of a YO-DX conflict and some
others. We thought we were okay with Sep 13 because we could find no
listed conflicts, but now learned that FOC had chosen that date back in
April, and duly notified Bruce Horn.
So, we have Sep 20 and Sep 27 as viable alternatives.
Rob K6RB

I've been QRT for the past several days.... week.  Been on a
boat with many $$$ for service so I simply shut down.  Not sure what
I've missed. catching up on *many* emails.  What is BWQP?

Generally speaking, any state QP should not be a serious problem
conflict wise due to their general lack of activity. The exceptions: CQP,


73, Alan  AD6E/KP4


On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 11:16 PM, Rob K6RB k6rb at baymoon.com> wrote:

Well... I had a QSO with KZ5D today and he sent me an email sent to
Bruce Horn and Ward in April selecting Sep 13 2014 for BWQP. We could have
avoided the current conflict if Bruce had posted it on his calendar.
But...in any case, Sep 13 will present a conflict during the hours when we
coincide – so for 12 out of 24 hours.
Can we push it to Sep 20. I don’t believe there were serious
issues with that date either. It’s early enough to where making the
change, now, should not be disruptive. I sure wish the FOC website’s
on-air and calendar sections were up to date. We could have avoided this
situation had they been so. Clearly, the WA7BNM calendar is also not up to
date so there’s a real possibility of other conflicts arising. Not

Rob K6RB


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