[ARDF] Jurors for the ARDF World Championships

Dale Hunt wb6byu at arrl.net
Sun Feb 11 16:41:33 PST 2018

If you are interested in serving as an International Juror at the World ARDF Championships in Korea this September, please let me know.  I'd like to have a list of interested candidates by 26 February.

Traditionally jurors are provided free accommodations for the event in exchange for their services, but still have to cover their own travel expenses.  However, I do not yet have an explicit confirmation yet.

International Jurors should have experience as ARDF competitors, as well as setting courses.  The job may require long sessions sitting in a hot tent patiently debating the minute details of the rules, with other jurors whose primary language is not English, and trying to work out a fair and equitable resolution when a transmitter shuts off unexpectedly or otherwise the event does not go according to plan, while the organizers are fretting over whether or not they can get you back to the hotel in time for dinner.  It's an excellent way to learn more about the international aspects of ARDF, and the issues that can occur when hosting a major event.  Other duties may include attending social events, getting up at an ungodly early hour to supervise setting up transmitters in the field, then enduring heat, rain, bugs, mud, etc. in the field until the event is completed.

The process we use in Region 2 is that the ARDF Coordinator recommends candidates to the Organizers and/or the Chairman of the Jury.  I make those recommendations based on who is willing to go, their experience, how suited they are to serve, and how such service can support the development of ARDF in Region 2.  My preference is not to have the same person serve at two sequential events when there are other suitable candidates interested in serving.  This year there is one slot allocated to Region 2, but occasionally there have been more.

Please let me know by email or by phone by 26 February if you would like to be considered, or if you have further questions.


        Dale, WB6BYU
        ARDF Coordinator, IARU Region 2

        wb6byu at arrl.net

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