[ARDF] System Introduction

Vadim Afonkin vadim.afonkin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 17:53:15 PST 2017

Hello Dear Friends,

I built a intuitive, real-time online results and real-time competitors
tracking system(primarily for ARDF, but it works for any sport and of cause
for Orienteering), together with SportIdent and/or as independent system to
provide real-time position and results tracking.

Real-time tracking possible for both cell-coverage area(wrist watch
tracker) and no cell-coverage(different tracker built by me). I am aware of
some sceptics - it may disclose information to competitors - it will not -
all access from Start area(or any area speciafied by organizers) will be
blocked by System. If cell wristwatch system used it can be set as an
emergency alarm - if something happened with competitor he/she can dial to
event organizer by pressing SOS button. We lost few competitors in the
woods in the past, and I believe this is important safety feature and
should be required by organizers.

I am planning to complete and rollout project earlier this spring(March or
sooner). It is not 100% ready, but very close to completion, I want to
introduce it to my VIP contacts to provide you with some ideas of what I am
doing and if you see any value in what I done.

Please see this introduction video:
tutorials/SystemIntroduction.webm (If watching on Apple products - VLC
player required!)

Then check WC results:

An see course setter instruments here:

Feel free to play around - it is OK if you want to save data - I can
cleanup server.

You may experience some technical issues from time to time - it is running
on my development laptop now, and I can disable access from time to time to
make updates. Please do not redistribute links. Thank you for understanding.

I am sorry for TYPOs in video. Feel free to send me comments.

Best regards,


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