[ARDF] Proposed MMRA Foxhunt 6 March 2010

Charles Suprin csuprin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 18:52:13 PST 2010


This is the fox... We are on for Saturday morning.

We hope to see you soon.  (But not too soon.)



On 2/27/2010 12:09 PM, Charles Suprin wrote:
> Sorry, This is a resend as there were bounces.
> With the warmer weather and school vacation gone past, Foxhunting can 
> return to the MMRA Repeaters. There will be a two meter hunt with a 
> second optional 900 hunt to follow.
> This is to confirm the hunt is on for Saturday, March 6th pending MMRA 
> approval for the use of the repeater.
> Will be on the Weston 146.79 repeater input (146.19 MHz).
> The boundary will be a 10 mile radius from the Weston Repeater Site.
> The fox transmissions will be clear through the repeater (on the 
> 146.79 repeater output, though the fox will be transmitting on 146.19 
> MHz).
> Fox transmissions will be 30 seconds long each, and will occur every 
> five minutes (10:00am, 10:05am, 10:10am, etc.).
> The hunt will last until 12, unless found by all hunters. Will 
> continue after 12 if needed and hunters are still out looking.
> Anyone who wants hints after 12:00 noon should ask for them (on the 
> repeater).
> As in previous hunts and if there is an interest we will all go get 
> lunch together.
> Note: after the first transmission will ask for a roll call of who is 
> out on the hunt.
> The fox will strive to synchronize transmissions with Verizon or 
> atomic time.
> The 900 Fox will be low power. The frequency will be given when a 
> hunter arrives at the 2M fox. We do not want you using the 900MHz fox 
> to find the 2 meter fox.
> Hope to see you soon.
> Charles
>> On 1/10/2010 5:24 PM, Mike Giovannucci wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Here are the results on Saturday’s fox hunt. The fox, N1OMJ & Hunter 
>>> Co-Pilot N1TBN tried to trick AA1VS & WA1PIO by telling them that we 
>>> were waiting for the fox to transmit again so we could get a reading 
>>> but they did not buy it.
>>> 11:33 am – AA1VS & WA1PIO
>>> 11:37 am – KR1G & KB1SXO
>>> 12:36 pm – N1BE
>>> 12:53 pm – WB1W & AB2NJ
>>> The fox hid at the following location
>>> Link: 
>>> http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=lawrence+ln+lexington+ma&sll=42.399249,-71.166172&sspn=0.022311,0.038409&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Lawrence+Ln,+Lexington,+Middlesex,+Massachusetts+02421&z=16&iwloc=A 
>>> <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=lawrence+ln+lexington+ma&sll=42.399249,-71.166172&sspn=0.022311,0.038409&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Lawrence+Ln,+Lexington,+Middlesex,+Massachusetts+02421&z=16&iwloc=A> 
>>> Till next time. 73’s and happy hunting.
>>> Mike - N1OMJ
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>> *From:* Mike Giovannucci [mailto:mike at giovannucci.com]
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:39 PM
>>> *To:* 'demacp'; 'Alex Svirsky'; 'Steve Stutman'; 'Gary Schwartz'; 
>>> 'Charles Suprin'; 'Bill Noyce'; 'MMRA Board'; 'Tom Charbonneau'; 
>>> 'Kevin Paetzold'; 'BRUCE HAYDEN'; 'Michael Rawding'; 'Alan 
>>> Marchioni'; 'MMRA at yahoogroups.com'; 'Barry Fox'; 'Mark Diggins'; 
>>> 'K1KWP-MMRA'; 'Larry Banks'; 'Clark Conti'; 'N1BE-MMRA'; 
>>> 'Boston-ARDFers'; 'Richard MacPherson'; 'Nathaniel Vishner'; 'Joe 
>>> Moell'; 'Tim Shepard'; 'Stanley Stone'; 'Jon'; 'Dick Copithorn, 
>>> KR1G'; 'Briggs Longbothum'
>>> *Subject:* MMRA foxhunt be Saturday morning January 9th 2010
>>> This is to confirm the hunt is on for Saturday, January 9^th pending 
>>> MMRA approval for the use of the repeater.
>>> Will be on the Weston 146.79 repeater input (146.19 MHz)..
>>> The boundary will be a 10 mile radius from the Weston Repeater Site.
>>> The fox transmissions will be clear through the repeater (on the 
>>> 146.79 repeater output, though the fox will be transmitting on 
>>> 146.19 MHz).
>>> Fox transmissions will be 30 seconds long each, and will occur every 
>>> five minutes (10:00am, 10:05am, 10:10am, etc.).
>>> The hunt will last until 12, unless found by all hunters. Will 
>>> continue after 12 if needed and hunters are still out looking.
>>> Anyone who wants hints after 12:00 noon should ask for them (on the 
>>> repeater).
>>> As in previous hunts and if there is an interest we will all go get 
>>> lunch together.
>>> Note: after the first transmission will ask for a roll call of who 
>>> is out on the hunt.
>>> Good luck and happy hunting!
>>> Mike Giovannucci
>>> N1OMJ

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