[ARDF] Proposed MMRA Foxhunt 6 March 2010

Charles Suprin csuprin at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 09:09:57 PST 2010

Sorry, This is a resend as there were bounces.

With the warmer weather and school vacation gone past, Foxhunting can 
return to the MMRA Repeaters. There will be a two meter hunt with a 
second optional 900 hunt to follow.

This is to confirm the hunt is on for Saturday, March 6th pending MMRA 
approval for the use of the repeater.
Will be on the Weston 146.79 repeater input (146.19 MHz).
The boundary will be a 10 mile radius from the Weston Repeater Site.
The fox transmissions will be clear through the repeater (on the 146.79 
repeater output, though the fox will be transmitting on 146.19 MHz).
Fox transmissions will be 30 seconds long each, and will occur every 
five minutes (10:00am, 10:05am, 10:10am, etc.).
The hunt will last until 12, unless found by all hunters. Will continue 
after 12 if needed and hunters are still out looking.
Anyone who wants hints after 12:00 noon should ask for them (on the 
As in previous hunts and if there is an interest we will all go get 
lunch together.
Note: after the first transmission will ask for a roll call of who is 
out on the hunt.

The fox will strive to synchronize transmissions with Verizon or atomic 
The 900 Fox will be low power. The frequency will be given when a hunter 
arrives at the 2M fox. We do not want you using the 900MHz fox to find 
the 2 meter fox.

Hope to see you soon.

> On 1/10/2010 5:24 PM, Mike Giovannucci wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Here are the results on Saturday’s fox hunt. The fox, N1OMJ & Hunter 
>> Co-Pilot N1TBN tried to trick AA1VS & WA1PIO by telling them that we 
>> were waiting for the fox to transmit again so we could get a reading 
>> but they did not buy it.
>> 11:33 am – AA1VS & WA1PIO
>> 11:37 am – KR1G & KB1SXO
>> 12:36 pm – N1BE
>> 12:53 pm – WB1W & AB2NJ
>> The fox hid at the following location
>> Link: 
>> http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=lawrence+ln+lexington+ma&sll=42.399249,-71.166172&sspn=0.022311,0.038409&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Lawrence+Ln,+Lexington,+Middlesex,+Massachusetts+02421&z=16&iwloc=A 
>> <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=lawrence+ln+lexington+ma&sll=42.399249,-71.166172&sspn=0.022311,0.038409&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Lawrence+Ln,+Lexington,+Middlesex,+Massachusetts+02421&z=16&iwloc=A> 
>> Till next time. 73’s and happy hunting.
>> Mike - N1OMJ
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Mike Giovannucci [mailto:mike at giovannucci.com]
>> *Sent:* Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:39 PM
>> *To:* 'demacp'; 'Alex Svirsky'; 'Steve Stutman'; 'Gary Schwartz'; 
>> 'Charles Suprin'; 'Bill Noyce'; 'MMRA Board'; 'Tom Charbonneau'; 
>> 'Kevin Paetzold'; 'BRUCE HAYDEN'; 'Michael Rawding'; 'Alan 
>> Marchioni'; 'MMRA at yahoogroups.com'; 'Barry Fox'; 'Mark Diggins'; 
>> 'K1KWP-MMRA'; 'Larry Banks'; 'Clark Conti'; 'N1BE-MMRA'; 
>> 'Boston-ARDFers'; 'Richard MacPherson'; 'Nathaniel Vishner'; 'Joe 
>> Moell'; 'Tim Shepard'; 'Stanley Stone'; 'Jon'; 'Dick Copithorn, 
>> KR1G'; 'Briggs Longbothum'
>> *Subject:* MMRA foxhunt be Saturday morning January 9th 2010
>> This is to confirm the hunt is on for Saturday, January 9^th pending 
>> MMRA approval for the use of the repeater.
>> Will be on the Weston 146.79 repeater input (146.19 MHz)..
>> The boundary will be a 10 mile radius from the Weston Repeater Site.
>> The fox transmissions will be clear through the repeater (on the 
>> 146.79 repeater output, though the fox will be transmitting on 146.19 
>> MHz).
>> Fox transmissions will be 30 seconds long each, and will occur every 
>> five minutes (10:00am, 10:05am, 10:10am, etc.).
>> The hunt will last until 12, unless found by all hunters. Will 
>> continue after 12 if needed and hunters are still out looking.
>> Anyone who wants hints after 12:00 noon should ask for them (on the 
>> repeater).
>> As in previous hunts and if there is an interest we will all go get 
>> lunch together.
>> Note: after the first transmission will ask for a roll call of who is 
>> out on the hunt.
>> Good luck and happy hunting!
>> Mike Giovannucci
>> N1OMJ

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