[ARDF] [FoxHunt] Did you read the ARRL Letter?

Mike (KA5CVH) Urich ka5cvh at gmail.com
Sun Mar 25 05:51:51 PST 2007

On 3/24/07, wolfbob <wolfbob at csnsys.com> wrote:

> One hides the transmitter and watches, another uses body
> shielding to determine the direction to the transmitter that
> is on by using the rubber band. The third scout takes a
> bearing  with the compass. Note that the body shielding has
> the "radio scout" facing away from the transmitter so he
> needs the "compass scout" to sight down the part in his
> hair.

Mike wrote

You can also do this without the aid of the "compass reader".  Merely
have the scout that has determined where the null is, use his compass
to figure out "his heading" and then just do a 180, I know that must
still teach four function math in public school's, don't they?

If I were "pairing" them I would have both scouts perform the exercise
to "verify" their results and collaborate.

Mike Urich, KA5CVH

A new voice making sense

Fairmont Park, where no perfect people are allowed.

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