[ARDF] Lake Los Carneros and Topanga links - my tracks

Jay Hennigan jay at west.net
Sat Aug 18 19:21:29 PDT 2007

Lake Los Carneros, 8/11/07

Summary:  http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/3699107
Interactive tracker: http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/player/3699107

Topanga 2m, 8/18/07

Summary: http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/3699120
Interactive tracker: http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/player/3699120

Topanga 80m, 8/18/07

Summary: http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/3699119
Interactive tracker: http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/player/3699119

Google Earth .kml files are available from the summary pages above, 
click on "Google Earth" under the map.

Thanks to Marvin, Joe, and April for putting on these events.  See you 
all at Lake Tahoe!

Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering - jay at impulse.net
Impulse Internet Service  -  http://www.impulse.net/
Your local telephone and internet company - 805 884-6323 - WB6RDV

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