[ARDF] Some information about Ukrainian Radios, I think...

bruce brucep at netspace.net.au
Sun Oct 30 20:15:03 PST 2005

Your Ukranian Radio site.

> For the serious athletes in the metal milled housing:
> 144 MHz:
> passband of receiver sufficiently wide -150 kHz, certainly 
> narrower receiver somewhat more sensitive makes it possible 
> Price of 80 u.e. both 3.5 and 144.

Sounds like the Khazaks in Japan had this one, rather than:

> Receiver 144 MHz.
> Receiver has two passbands IF amplifiers, switched by the toggle
> switch,: wide -100 kHz and narrow of 15 kHz.

Looks like the more advanced one also has a whoopee (tone generator) which
they recommend using. I don't really understand the 'threshold detector',
but it sounds like it enhances the peak by doing something audible to the
received tone, and this effect tapers off as you get really close. 
There may also be some enhancing of the peak by applying an exponential
response, but I might be getting confused with the 'thereshold detector'.
(Another good reason to use the Mk4/Ultra whoopee rather than AM is the
processor is able to 'exponentialise' the whoopee tone response, but the AM
audio comes straight from the detector.)
The preset buttons appear to bypass the gain control with preset gain
settings, pretty much like the fixed ranges on the Mk4, or the selector
switch we have on our 80m sniffers. We just do away with the continueously
variable gain control altogether !
You can probably correct my assumptions having used them.


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