[ARDF] Re: 80m DF Transmitters on 7 MHz

Dale Hunt, WB6BYU wb6byu at arrl.net
Mon Mar 14 18:59:26 PST 2005

  Looks like the mystery transmitters weren't from this side
  of the pond anyway.  But it might be interesting to see how
  far the harmonics can be heard from our hunts some times...

      - Dale WB6BYU

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [IARU] 80m DF Transmitters on 7 MHz
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 22:31:56 +0000
From: g3ory at lineone.net

Hi Everyone,

Mystery solved!  The transmitters I heard on Saturday were operating at Schalker
Heide in the area of Dortmund in the Ruhrgebeit part of Germany.  The group
were running a four transmitter DF hunt using MOE, MOI, MOS and MOH.  It
was therefore highly significant that I could not hear MO5 and this was the
clinching factor in the identification.

The competition started at 1300 UTC with a 2 hour time limit and had 14 competitors.
 Hence the transmitters would be operating at 1530 UTC when I heard them.
 The event was won by Joseph Tuttmann, an M60 well known to those UK amateurs
who have competed on the Continent. The results are on Dieter's web site
at www.df7xu.de

My thanks to Henk Vrolijk PA0HPV who first pointed me in the right direction,
to Dieter Schwider DF7XU for confirming that this event took place as described
above, to Rik ON7YD and Kurt Smet.


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