[ARDF] Cincinnati ARDF at Stanbery Park, July 30, 2005...

Matthew Robbins cedarcreek at gmail.com
Sun Jul 31 00:08:39 PDT 2005

Well, I thought we weren't having an event this weekend, but Dick
Arnett offered to set one if there was interest, and three of us made

Stanbery Park is a pretty small park, but it has terrain perfect for
difficult 2m courses, especially if you use smaller-than-normal
exclusion zones.  It was just plain nuts out there.  One thing that
was interesting was that we had difficulty with different
transmitters.  I broke a pair of headphones when I caught them (twice)
in low trees.  They still work, but they're intermittent, and I'm just
throwing them away.

I was first at 1 hour 15 minutes.  Bob and Brian both had radio
issues.  Bob was second in 1:42, and Brian got all but 1 in 1:27,
again, retiring due to equipment issues (and probably the desire to go
home and pack for Albuquerque).

On a separate subject, I stopped at Lowe's for some Tape-Measure Beam
components, and I noticed a "Stainless Steel Tape-Measure".  I have
been meaning to try one of these, to see if the stainless tapes affect
the compass.  Well, they do.  I'm glad I was able to test one without
buying it.  Basically, I stuck a magnet to it, and it stuck.

Cincinnati, Ohio

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